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Class Schedule

With 40 classes and a wide range of class styles and instructors on offer each and every week, our class schedule is constantly evolving to meet demand. And thanks to the simple to use features of our booking system "Momence" it has never been easier for you to view and book the FULL range of classes on offer. 

Class Schedule

The schedule below is linked directly to Momence and shows you a LIVE view of what is on offer. You can book directly by following the "Book Now" link beside each class or at the bottom of this page.

Once the Momence link opens, you can also filter your search by class style/instructor/day.

Class Locations

Bundaberg Studio:

Target Arcade; Shop 8, 56 Bourbong Street Bundaberg CBD.

Located UPSTAIRS in the Target Arcade.

Simply enter arcade from Bourbong St entry and head up the red stairs on the left side of arcade.

We have 2 seperate studios (Reformer + Mat) located within the main entry. Please use the main entry (frosted door) for all classes.

You will find the studio as the first door at the top of the stairs.


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